Other maps

Interactive map
Interactive map An interactive map of Arillas from an aerial picture that I took from a flight above my home which was organised for this particular purpouse. You can zoom in and out clicking the - + buttons.  You can also move to the right-left, up and down by clicking the arrows.


Tourist Map
Tourist map Arillas Tourist map created by an arillas regular visitor and forum member (justl@@kin) providing all the information you need about shops, accommodation and amenities.

Print a Map

Arillas MapThe first official map of Arillas in printed version is now available for you to print before you come to your destination. It contains all points of interest,like Hotels, tavernas, bars, cafes, shops, as well as walking paths and shortcuts to the next areas. The map was initially created by a small team of our Business association in order to be posted in central crossroads of the resort. The map you will find here is in pdf format which can easily be downloaded and printed.


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Kaloudis Village